Twist News September / October


Twist groups exchange with DUT students
Twist group members recently enjoyed a workshop with staff and students from the Department of Drama at the Durban University of Technology. The workshop focused on stage fighting and other stage techniques, and generated a great creative atmosphere for the groups to share ideas and improvise new scenes together. Our thanks go to Prof Debbie Lutge at DUT for facilitating a stimulating day with the groups.
Young director’s workshops
Twist director, R oel Twijnstra, has been facilitating a range of workshops around the country, at universities and community theatres, based on the book co-written with Emma Durden: Theatre directing in SA; Skills and Inspirations. The workshops are a short introduction to the basics of theatre directing and carving your own way as a director in the South African theatre landscape. These workshops have been held in Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Johannesburg and Pretoria. More are planned for other centres later in the year, and continuing into 2015.

Community performances
All of the Twist groups have performed their new work multiple times in their own communities, with the shows getting great reception, and with great audiences. Congratulations to the groups for their continued growth artistically and with audience development.

Writer’s workshop
Two writers from ea ch group, as well as some of the old Twist groups have come together for an intensive writer’s workshop with our creative writing mentor, Kobus Moolman. Kobus has recently been nominated for a South African Literary Award, and we congratulate him on his achievement. He will be mentoring the Twist groups through the process of developing their new work for performance at the 2015 Musho Theatre Festival.

Twist preparations for Isigcawu festival
The annual Isigcawu Theatre Festival will be held at the Ekhaya Multi-Arts Centre in KwaMashu from Thursday 30 October to Sunday 2 November. All of the Twist groups will be showcasing their work at the festival, with the following performances: Friday morning – Midnight’s Spirits – Sinethemba / Friday afternoon – Inhlambuluko – Izwi / Saturday morning – Pay Day – Siyathuthuka / Saturday Afternoon – Brothers – Lashona Arts. Please feel free to join us for any of the shows; we look forward to seeing you there!


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